Dr. Geneva Speaks

Lowell Perry Jr.: SOCIAL PROFIT, What it is & How to Use it to Help Communities



Lowell Perry Jr. believes "Social-profit organizations" is a term that can better capture the contribution made by entities that have too long been known as charities or nonprofit groups. According to the Chronicle of Philanthropy: "Such a term would also give us a new way to name the people who support organizations that promote the public good: social investors, a term that better reflects this generation of hands-on donors who are willing and able to extend this nation’s great tradition of American generosity. Today’s social investors seek and expect a return on their efforts, in the form of an increase in the greater good." Lowell Perry is an innovative executive leader with a unique business background including a proven track record of success in team building, fund development, strategic alliances, general management, government relations, as well as significant expertise in diversity & inclusion as a viable growth strategy.  Currently the Director of the Cleveland Central Promise Neighborhood, h