Dr. Geneva Speaks

Dr. Deana Murphy: Top 10 Traits of the Resilient Female Leader



Leadership skills, transitioning, positive confrontation, strategic volunteering for career success and tactics for better compensation; issues and soft-skills we talk about in the workplace. Our guest today, Dr. Deana Muphy,  is very insistent on the positive impact resiliency has on female leaders. Do women today crumble at the onset of crises and challenges, especially in decision-making positions? With an ongoing call that women must hold her place at the negotiating table, Dr. Deana will discuss resilience. To master this fate with control and calm, she will talk about 10 traits of resiliency women leaders must consider for finding the hidden lessons and inspiring a courageous leadership culture. Our Guest, Dr. Deana is a cheerleader of positive change and is convinced she can help make the world better, smarter and safer by growing people, strengthening organizations and improving lives through fusing spirituality, the latest science from positive psychology and her corporate leadership experience in