Building Our Super School Podcast

Ep 30: Task proficiency; Effective peer teaching strategies



Don't just listen, join the conversation! Tweet us at @AcademicaMedia or with the hashtag #BigIdeasinEducation with questions or new topics you want to see discussed. This week, Mike hosts the show and introduces two guests. Former students Kevin Hernandez and Lely Bozo from Mater Academy alongside co-host Ryan and Sarah. Kevin is not only a Mater graduate but a Somerset Jefferson educator. Sarah introduces the topic task persistence and ways that educators can incorporate this method in class. Also, discussing the different elements behind this study. The second hot topic on this podcast is an education approach that focuses on students engaging in effective peer teaching. Hosts: Michael Hernandez (@edtechmichael) Ryan Kairalla (@ryankair); Sarah Boulos Fye (@readwithfye) Producer: Michael Hernandez (@edtechmichael) Post-Production: Ross Ulysse