Good Deeds

Carolin Hauser-Carson Renowned Humanistic Psychotherapist shares on Good Deeds



So under the welcome sweeping influence of the #MeToo movement, you’ve found the courage to denounce your sexual harasser. Or maybe you’ve just finally told someone, or simply felt validated by the stories of so many others who experienced what you did. But is it enough? Statistics show that 1 in 4 women will be sexually abused or assaulted in their lifetime and will on average be up to 4 times more likely to develop depression, suicidal thoughts, PTSD, drug and alcohol abuse, eating disorders, relationship problems and physical and/or mental health issues. And, if unhealed, will not be able to live free, purposeful and joyful lives. While #MeToo may give you back your voice, is it enough to bring about the healing you desire? Will voicing what happened, in and of itself, repair a stunted life? Can years of self-blame, failed relationships, envy of perceived “normal” happy women, addictive behavior or other self- destructive thinking or habits be eradicated by merely verbalizing whathappened to you? No,