Good Deeds

Highly Acclaimed Harry Saffold Jr, Inklectuals Inc.shares on Good Deeds Radio



Harry Saffold Jr. is a native of Dothan, Alabama. His parents invested their best in him.Unfortunately, at age ten, he was sexually abused repeatedly by a relative. Nevertheless, every child enters the world with imaginary abilities. At the age of 17, Saffold appeared on the Ann Varner Morning Show and shared his book, “Avelon Kids”, and later with the Dothan Eagle newspaper. However; because Saffold drifted to the streets, involving himself in crime, he was sentenced to 12½ years in prison. Armed with a GED, Saffold paroled in 2008, but was confronted with a variety of setbacks, even homelessness. Today, he has a growing YouTube presence through documentary films; 1) “The Untold Story of Harry Saffold” 2) “Shoes Without A Closet” 3) “HIJACKED CHILDHOOD”. Short stories, “UNLOCK” 4) Stage play,“Her Cup Runneth Over” 5) Screenplay, “Her Civil Duty” 6) Recently self published, “December Valley (A Black Man's Quest for Love)”, Freedom Rhymers (Black Ink Matters), “Had Black Girls Been Family Orientated