"solutions...with Courtney Anderson!"™

MANAGEMENT MAGICIANS: Never Promote the Best Performer...here's why!



Our MANAGEMENT MAGICIANS™ series is dedicated to those exceptional few who step forward to serve as guides, sages and responsible parties for others in pursuit of the greater good for society and their organization! These are managers who redefine their job titles to ensure their own personal contentment as they motivate, monitor and mentor their team members each day. The “magic” that a talented manager is able to create changes their lives, the lives of their team members and ripples throughout the larger society. We salute their sacrifices and share their techniques and “secrets” to achieving sustained positive experiences for themselves, clients, customers, peers, team members, and the public at large!  In this episode, our topic is, “Never Promote the Best Performer…here’s why!” There are myths and missteps that non-magicians fall for (e.g., everyone wants to be a manager, being a super performer is the same as being a super supervisor, if someone has proven to be excellent in one position they will be