"solutions...with Courtney Anderson!"™

HELP! SITUATION: “How do I respond to insults and intimidation at work?" (3)



In this HELP! SITUATION SPOTLIGHT™ series episode, which is follow-up to a two part episode (basically, Part 3), our show title is, “How do I respond to direct, brutal, verbal insults and intimidation at work?” In this episode we explore the Mental Self-Defense Arts™ and learn what to do when we are emotionally and psychologically attacked at work. An angry lady at work told me that I “was ugly” and that my “face was distracting.” Nice. Was that direct? Yes. Was it verbal? Yes. Would some characterize it as “brutal”, “insulting” and/ or “intimidating”? Yes. Why she acted the way she did is not relevant. The fact that she actually did act the way she did is the only issue to focus on when faced with direct abuse. The “why” question leads to a long answer integrating the childhood, mental health, personality, choices, regrets and other issues impacted an abuser. That is their responsibility to address and seek professional and personal help to improve the quality of their lives. An abuser who wants to change