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Share your passions | Freelance writer Daryl Baxter



Title: Share your passions | Freelance writer Daryl Baxter Guest: Daryl Baxter freelance writer and podcaster Twitter: @darylbaxter Website: Podcast: PAL Keys Summary I talked to Daryl about writing and freelancing, how does he use feedback and Google Analytics, what's special about a retrospective and what does his process look like when he's writing, plus how to send a direct message to an editor to ask for a gig. Highlights Daryl was studying computer networks and got an email from a magazine looking for people to contribute. He contacted them and spend a week writing a piece on Tomb Raider 2. Saw his name in the Platformer Magazine on his Tomb Raider 2 retrospective. From then on he knew he had to write. So he has been squeezing in some way to write at his different non-writing jobs. For instance, he wrote phone guides at his tech support job. But also he kept a blog in his spare time. With SEO and Google Analytics, he kept track of which times of the year people were most interested in r