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Nobody's going to just give you the answer | Gabriel Langlois Lead Designer



Title: Nobody's going to just give you the answer | Gabriel Langlois Lead Designer Guest: Gabriel Langlois Lead Designer at CAGE Studios Instagram: @CageStudios Facebook: Highlights: I talk to Gabriel about crowdfunding a game on Kickstarter, pivoting away from the survival genre, how does it feel when well-known studios like Rare and UbiSoft release AAA titles with the same theme as the one you are working on and much more. Games Sail and Sacrifice on Steam Sea of Thieves Skull and Bones Don't Look Down No Man's Sky Links Catapult Games VR Unreal Engine Blueprints Extra Credits YouTube Games Makers Toolkit - Mark Brown GDC Vault Hello Games People Jesse Schell Sean Murray Subscribe with these services: Support the podcast: Support Player Characters with Flattr