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Building a gaming community from a hostel in Mexico | Ben - Slothyy



Guest: Ben - Slothyy Twitter: @getslothyy Steemit: Dlive: ### Advice: Leverage all you possible can. Your brand is your most important thing besides your product. Find that little niche and run it, make it yours. Don't copy what everybody else is doing. Either get a website going or get an e-mail list going and just engage with people. Send them a weekly update. Send out a little digest. For your personal brand you could do a weekly recap of your favorite moment or your most valuable lesson of the week for others that are trying to follow in your footsteps. Whatever it maybe. Do something that sets you apart from others. ### Highlights: Ben talks about how his passion for gaming started with playing NES with his father and also going to Magic the Gathering tournaments in addition to doing his own tournaments with friends and family. Later he got lost in World of Warcraft. We talk about how the experiences in games and in MMO's in particular, whether in Player vers