Ruthless In Pursuit

GVO Episode 11: "Going Right" w/Logan Gelbrich



We live in a current situation where the obstacle truly is the way, but rather than blast through that to see the prize on the other side we opt to play it safe and go the route of certainty. What is that was really all that was holding us back? Simply taking the risk on ourselves to have TRUE self expression of our deepest love, passion and future?  In this episode we sat down with Logan Gelbrich owner of Deuce Gym, Creator of "Hold the Standard" Summit and author of "Going Right".  Logan shared with us his journey through the lense of his path through his own obstacles of having to find a path of true self expression in the search of what that really even means for him and his purpose.  If you are someone who is finding yourself in a position of not being able to see what direction is actually leading you to understanding then this conversation is an opportunity to learn. Thank you to everyone that made this episode happen! And thank you Logan for welcoming us into your home! --- Supp