Channel Of Light With Krista Moore

Channeled Messages from God, Christ and the Angels



Please call in 10-15 minutes early if you would like to be on the show. We will do our best to give you a spot to receive healing messages. Follow the show and share it with your friends and family! Receive powerful messages of hope, healing and direction from God, Christ and the Angels through Channel of Light host Krista Moore.  Everyone is entitled to receive healing messages from the Divine. Krista Moore channels the Angelic realms to help you get back on track and clear about what concerns you.  She is a certified Metaphysical Hypnotist (CH), certified Spiritual Director and soon to be RYT200 Yoga Instructor. Having spent 10 years in the corporate world, she transformed her life, became a professional actress, and now channels, teaches and writes to help you live a miraculous life! For more go to: SAFETY & GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS: Please make sure you are in a comfortable, safe location where you can listen and relax.  Do not drive while listening.  To ground, have a g