Spiraling Consciousness

Going on a Low-Carbon Diet



Is there an emerging global consciousness? What role do we play in the sacred story of the emergence of the cosmos, earth and humanity? Is the evolutionary impulse that gave birth to the Cosmos waking up as you? How are Unity teachings able to contribute to this evolution of spirituality?

Join Rev. Kelly Isola as she explores the evolution of spirituality using Spiral Dynamics, Integral Theory and connecting with leaders in the field of conscious evolution, science and religion.

Humanity is facing a moment of unprecedented challenge and unprecedented opportunity. As we awaken to the planetary crises facing us, more of us are awakening to our role as co-creators of the future. We're awakening to a new spirituality in which there is no longer any separation between the transformation of ourselves and the evolution of the world. At the heart of this awakening is the evolutionary impulse-the impulse to participate in the evolution of life, culture and consciousness itself. Join us as we explore what it means to participate in the leading edge of evolution and develop a way of thinking about the divine that unites rather than divides humanity.

Read Rev. Kelly Isola's blog.