
013 Summer Refresh |Creating PreK-Career Pipelines



  What would happen if businesses and companies treated recruiting and hiring talent the way colleges and universities recruit athletes? Steve Stokey had that very idea 10 years ago sitting at his desk at Allied Machine & Engineering in Dover, Ohio. As the company’s executive vice president, he saw far too much talent leaving the community, and he knew it wasn’t good for his company or others in the county. So he did something about it, reaching out to the local school districts and other companies in the county to create, what is today, a replicable, thriving education to career pipeline that helps students develop the knowledge and skills to thrive in education and their careers…and fulfills the talent needs of the local workforce. For more inspirED, be sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode, and check out our website, Follow links: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube Subscribe links: iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, Soundcloud, email newsletter Feedback or suggestions: Ema