Reigners Radio

Step 8 of Engaging the Supernatural - Back to Business



8.    Back to business! Return to what you were doing. Remember the Lord is under no obligation to explain His timing or direction to us, though as we become reliable and instantaneous in our response, He will likely keep your name high on His list of those He can trust.  Regarding His Personal Presence: Protecting the Presence  In line with respecting and highly valuing these training opportunities, we will also need to learn how to protect His Presence when we can’t immediately give Him our undivided attention. As you are engaged at work, in a conversation, involved in a complex task that must be completed, simply acknowledge His Presence and put a “tent” of protection over it. Draw back from conversation as much as possible, and be ready to make plans to accommodate His Presence. By doing so you honor His Presence, rather than ignoring or pushing it away, as well as planning for giving it attention at a later time. It is crucial that this commitment be honored; at the earliest possible opportunity follow