Peak Energy 4 Performance

023 Eating for our Genes: Nutrition and Epigenetics



Have you heard about nutrigenomics and how we can discover what our genetic make up is and the best nutrition to support the positive expression of our genes? It is the study of how nutrition interacts with our genes and it used for both prevention and treatment of disease. In this interview with Joanna Bowen, an expert in nutrigenomics and nutritional practitioner, she explains what it is and how it works for us. As she highlights, we have the power to alter how our DNA and genes are expressed by the environment we expose them to which includes our diet and lifestyle choices. But where this approach seems to stand above others is that it is personalized and specific to each individuals genetic make up. It is a scientific method of applying nutrition and how it can switch the flip on whether the genes we have express positively towards health or negatively with disease. Tune in to learn about this powerful approach to preventing disease, promoting optimal health, and treating health conditions.