Reigners Radio

Protecting and Committing to the Presence of the Lord



Protecting the Presence  As you are engaged at work, in a conversation, involved in a complex task that must be completed (driving a car, performing brain surgery or landing an airplane, for example), simply acknowledge His Presence and put a “tent” of protection over it. Draw back from conversation as much as possible, and be ready to make plans to accommodate His Presence. By doing so you honor His Presence, rather than ignoring or pushing it away, as well as planning for giving it attention at a later time. It is crucial that this commitment be honored; at the earliest possible opportunity follow the 8 steps to engage in the Lord’s purposes for that time. For situations less critical, but where your actions may be misinterpreted or offensive (say you’re at your boss’s home for dinner and the Lord draws your attention to Himself), protect His Presence by drawing back from your conversation as much as possible; don’t put everything you’ve got into the conversation; reserve some of yourself to protect His p