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It's about the art | Solo game developer Paul Bradish



Title: It's about the art | Solo game developer Paul Bradish Guest: Website: Steam page: Twitter: @MarshinTheGame Instagram: @MarshinTheGame YouTube: Summary Paul recently started a journey as a solo game developer. We talk about how his background as a web designer and in digital marketing fits into that journey. We also get around topics like how to manage your time and priorities, where to find help with Unity and programming, analytics and feedback, and Twin Peaks. Games Super Mario Bros. Duck Hunt Dragon Warrior / Dragon Quest Limbo Typoman Super Meat Boy Hollow Knight YouTube Black Thorn Prod Brackeys GDC - Postmortems Links QBasic Udemy - game development Trello Kanban Jira People Tim Burton David Lynch Bob Saget Drew Carey Support the podcast: Support Player Characters with Flattr