Duke Dpt Podcast

12. Oncology & Women's Health Residency at Duke



This week we welcome two physical therapy residents at Duke, Dr. Lauren Bauer and Dr. Zach Tally. Lauren is the current women's health physical therapy resident and is a certified lymphedema specialist with interests in breast and gynecological rehabilitation and transgender health. Zach is the current and inaugural oncology physical therapy resident and is also a certified lymphedema specialist.    In this episode you will learn: How their PT school experience influenced their residency decision, the application process, what they’re working on in their residency, how the residency has impacted them, their future goals, and some words of wisdom for those interested in residencies.   And Special Congratulations to Dr. Zach Tally who got married this past weekend!   For a complete list of current residencies, visit: http://www.abptrfe.org/apta/abptrfe/Directory.aspx?navID=10737432672    For more information on Duke DPT, go to our website at https://dpt.duhs.duke.edu . There is also a page dedicated to current