Energy Awareness Hosted By T Love

The 7 Laws of Enough: Cultivating a life of sustainable abundance



The gap between those who have and those who don’t grows; the deep conflicts within our society around race and privilege are pervasive; and many other inequities undermine our sense of safety and belonging in our world. As individuals, we try to satisfy our longing for love and connection with the consumption of more and more stuff. But our unbridled obsession with consuming more of everything with blatant disregard for the impact on us, on other species, and on the planet does just the opposite, eroding our well-being while irreparably damaging our Earth. Most of us save our expressions of gratitude for the holiday season . . . and here we are, in the midst of it but, according to Gina LaRoche and Jennifer Cohen authors of The 7 LAWS OF ENOUGH: Cultivating a Life of Sustainable Abundance, counting your blessings year-round can be good for your mental health and well-being, ultimately boosting your chances of success.  Thanksgiving aligns with the essence of this book. It’s about appreciating what you have