Energy Awareness Hosted By T Love

Love, Faith and a Pair of Pants



Herb Freed, author of the timeless love story, Bashert, returns to the page in LOVE, FAITH AND A PAIR OF PANTS with a collection of short stories about the smart, witty, spiritual and, according to Ben’s mother, incredibly handsome, Rabbi Ben Zelig. In five anecdotes about a rabbi’s life, Zelig navigates romance, family ties, colorful congregants and the meaning of faith. From studying for the rabbinate under legendary Jewish theologian, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, to producing and directing Hollywood films and dancing with Martha Graham, Freed extracts from his own experience to weave a colorful and universal tale of life, love and spirituality. In a time where humanity is constantly put to the test, Freed takes readers from humor to pathos and back again in an uplifting examination of what it means to be human.