Energy Awareness Hosted By T Love

Remembering the Light Within: A Course in Soul-Centered Living



Are you ready for a radical shif in perception, one that may challenge and profoundly alter your idea of who you are and what your purpose is on this planet? Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick present information, stories, and simple, yet life-changing practices designed to assist you in doing the work you came to earth to do. Waking up into the Awareness that you are the presence of Love, and living your unique life of meaning, purpose and fulfillment from within that Awakened state. We all suffer from greater or lesser degrees of “Spiritual amnesia.” We’ve forgotten who we are and why we’re here. The process of Remembering is an active process through which step by step you remove or dissolve the barriers within your consciousness that are all that prevent you from knowing your Soul’s nature, from experientially knowing that you are a Divine Being having a human experience. Can you imagine walking through this world in a consciousness that is Awake to Love? Wouldn’t that be Amazing Grace? Filled with remedies for