Energy Awareness Hosted By T Love

Acorns to Great Oaks



Acorns to Great Oaks: Meditations for Children (BUT Adults like them too) is intended to help parents teach their children how to become aware of their wonderful world. The book aims to show their connection to our beautiful planet and how they can find strength and happiness in even the most stressful situations by accessing the power of meditation.  The book is also available with a CD. In our ever-changing world children need to have tools to help them cope with life’s challenges. Acorns to Great Oaks: Meditations for Children (Findhorn Press, May 2017, $14.99) is a beautifully illustrated book of 22 meditations for children designed to help kids deal with their own emotions and find confidence, peace and happiness within so they can easily apply ‘coping mechanisms’ into real life. As many of us grow into adulthood we develop bad habits and poor ways of dealing with stress and anger. We can however, if we chose, learn good habits like how to relax, trust, breath consciously and find peace inside. One of