Energy Awareness Hosted By T Love

All You Need Is Less: The Eco-Friendly Guide to Guilt-Free Green Living



And Stress-Free Simplicity We live in a time where we’re not considered “green” enough unless we quit our day job and devote our entire life to attaining a totally carbon-neutral lifestyle, or throw out all of our possessions and replace them with their new “green” alternatives. I, for one, am not willing to give up my refrigerator for a year and I won’t be trading in my car for a bike. This whole eco-friendly thing seems to have devolved into a horrific cycle of guilt, shaming and one-upping, and as a result people are becoming annoyed and exhausted. How can you go about realistically adopting an eco-friendly lifestyle without losing your mind from the soul-destroying guilt of not going completely “green”? There is a way . . .  many ways actually. There are things we can do that are small enough, simple enough and require so little effort that anyone can do them . . . if they want to. If you do, the impact will be greater than you could ever possibly imagine for generations to come.