Mom Biz Solutions With Lara Galloway, The Mom Biz Coach

A Simple Marketing Plan for Mompreneurs with Mary Hickman-Part XV of the WoMEN Teleseminar Series



As a busy mom entrepreneur, it can be tough to focus on growing your business while running it (and managing your family, too!). But no matter what business you're in, your first job is to always be marketing. Your second job is doing whatever work it is you do. But how? The key is to create and execute a marketing strategy that will keep you and your brand in front of your prospects at all times, so that you keep your pipeline full of people who are ready to buy from you. Join me and my special guest, Mary Hickman of MHK Marketing for "Creating a Simple Marketing Plan for Mompreneurs," the fifteenth teleseminar in the WoMEN teleseminar series offered by Lara Galloway, The Mom Biz Coach. To find out who's up next and the topics we'll be covering in future teleseminars, visit and sign up to receive freebies and special offers from each of the speakers!