Thewaycm's Urdu Podcast

Episode 15 - Urdu - The Lamb and Baptism in the Holy Spirit



The Lamb John 1:29 …….. The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” When John the Baptist saw Jesus he knew exactly who He was, not because he recognised Him but because the Holy Spirit revealed Jesus to him. You will remember that when Mary was pregnant with Jesus, John, who was also still in Elizabeth’s womb, bore witness to Mary’s good news and John (the foetus) leapt for joy as Elizabeth was filled by the Holy Spirit. Although there is no evidence of any physical contact between the boys as they were growing up, John immediately knows that Jesus is the one for whom he has been preparing the way. John calls Jesus, “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”. John the Baptist was a prophet and this exclamation is, in fact, a prophetic proclamation. The event that initiated the Passover Feast from the days of Moses was soon to be fulfilled through Jesus Christ. Moses was instructed by God to tell the Israelites in Eg