Simon Barrett

The Week In Reviews - David Peoples - Bluesilouettes - looking For Utopia



The internet is a wonderful tool, in a space of 30 years it has gone from an obscure US government funded research project to a tool that is part of our daily lives. Without the Internet pianist and composer David Peoples would have been unable, or at least been very unlikely to have made Looking For Utopia. He faced a huge problem, it is one thing to identify the very best musicians in the world for an album, but the logistics of getting them all in one place at the same time is akin to herding cats! The solution was to build the album in layers. David recorded the basic tracks in Atlanta, digital copies were then passed on to the other collaborators, Carina Bruwer and Natasha Jaffe. Carina calls South Africa home and plays the Slide Flute.I had never heard of a Slide Flute, I found this clip of Carina playing it, it is quite the strange instrument.