Evp Spirit Talk

Episode 30



On this episode our guest was Bishop James Long. He is a member of the Paranormal Clergy Institute, which was created so that all paranormal groups could utilize their skills, knowledge, and professionalism for the sole purpose of reaching beyond group membership, in order to assist home owners who are truly suffering from Demonic Infestation, Oppression and Possession. He is also a bishop of United States Old Catholic Church, a small sacramental family that believes in the historic Christian doctrines as found in the Nicene and Apostles Creeds. We discussed the differences between the Independent vs. Roman Catholic churches as well as his experiences in demonology and exorcism. Also his appearances on Ghost Adventures and the dangers of Ouija boards and scrying. He will be appearing at the Paranormal Awareness Charity Event in Portsmouth, OH on May 15th, 2010 sponsored by OVPRI, R.O.P.E. and SPIS. Proceeds will go to the Kaitlyn Woodard Leukemia Fund, S.OH Domestic Violence Shelter and the Portsmouth Area Ja