Shattered Conception

26. griefHaven Founder Susan Whitmore



My guest is Susan Whitmore. In 2001, her only child, Erika Whitmore Godwin, who was 31 years old at the time, was diagnosed with a rare sinus tumor. One year later, despite every effort, Erika died. The painful and difficult journey she began exceeded anything she could have imagined. Only with dedication to her own grief journey, and the love and support of friends, was she able to make it through each day. She discovered there were many support tools, but they were scattered everywhere, and finding them was a painstakingly arduous process.  Most of the websites talked about their own organizations and what they offered. Susan needed one place where she could learn about a variety of support tools available and, ideally, what other people who were grieving found worked. It was then she decided she would put together that kind of website—a true “grief haven”—where anyone in need could come and find all that was available. That is how griefHaven was founded. In 2003 Susan started The Erika Whitmore Godwin Foun