A. Deep Aries Live! The Show That Plays Multi-genre Music, Notable Interviews

April Deep Aries Presents: Portraits! Artist Michael Angelo Saulsberry



Music producer/ artist/Composer MICHAEL ANGELO SAULSBERRY for over the last 22 years. Those works landed Michael 4 Grammy nominations 1 day time Emmy nomination with over 11 million records sold.   Michael came in the music business with a popular R&B group in the 90's called PORTRAIT with hits like "Here we go again" and "Honey dip". It sold over a million copies. Michael's Dad is a member of the 50's doowoop group "The Penquins" whos all time HIT "Earth Angel has been one of the most cover tunes in the history of rock and roll that has sold over millions and millions and million of record over the years.   Michael just finished my E-Book called "The doos and dont's of a music producer"