My Life My Choice

Choice Is The First Law In The Laws of Attraction



Your ability to choose, is without a doubt, the most powerful energy that you will ever control.  Choice, much like DNA, are the building blocks that give physicality to everything created inside and outside of your life. Choice is the power upon which the Universe is created. The first law in the Universal Laws of Attraction is choice.  It’s a natural law, a spiritual law, manmade law and it IS God’s Law.  Nothing can and will happen in your life, good or bad, without you first making a choice.  More often than not our choices appear to be circuitous, but the reality is, they are not.  You’ve experienced and are experiencing what you are going through, because of choices you have made in the past or in the present.   Don’t get this confused with the feelings of rightness or wrongness of the results experienced.  Attractioners, right or wrong is an emotional call – and that too is a choice!   The Universal Law of Choice the creative force that set into motion all things.  This energy isn’t a respecter of your