My Life My Choice

Nuances In Your Thoughts, Actions & Speech Control What You Manifest In Life



Nuance what it is and what does it mean for your life?  Nuance:  It’s a subtle difference and a distinction in the expression of your meaning.  Next to lack of self-discipline, understanding the nuances of your thoughts, speech, actions and deeds is the second reason why people are unable to manifest what they want in life.  What you believe is what you receive.  This is a fundamental Law and it is unchangeable.  Today, we are going to be exploring “nuances” and how using them unintentionally can leave you standing in the rubble of your life.  Your left wondering, how the hell did I get here? Join me, Dr. Wendy Dearborne Choice Expert and Laws of Attraction Coach and Olivia Lashley Expression and Laws of Attraction Coach as we explore what this means for you. Visit our website: Join our Facebook Group: