Redefine™ With Host Robb Braun

Leading Life Large - Make Money Your Friend



Leading Life Large™ - As many of you have probably discovered, the older we get the fewer friends we have.  It's not that we become less likable, we simply become more discerning and know what we want from friendship.  One friend we must be just as thoughtful about and cannot afford to be without is our money.  That's right - we need to be in good relationship with our money so we can grow it.  Last week I invited you to pay attention to your negative and limiting thoughts and attitudes around money.  Today, I'm going to give you some new and 'other perspective' thoughts and attitudes about money to help you become friends with yours.  Reality for us all is this... If we don't make good with the flow and energy of our money, get in good relationship with it, money will be our enemy.