Beautifully Organised With Marissa Roberts

5 Ways To Begin Simplifying Your Life



I know a lot of us love the idea of living a simple life. I fell in love with the concept the minute I discovered it. To me simple living meant less to do, more time to enjoy life, less to worry about.. It was about letting go of being 'busy' and enjoying a slower pace. It was a beautiful idea and I wanted it to become my new reality immediately. No more rushing and hurrying, no more barking at my children to get ready quickly, no more competing with others on 'who was the busiest'. I couldn't wait to feel at ease, rested, relaxed and peaceful with my new lifestyle choice.. But I remember how stressful it was when I first started thinking about simplifying my life. The whole thing was too overwhelming. I had no idea where to start. I felt like I needed to simplify everything and I needed to simplify fast! This just made me feel more busy and stressed than ever - the opposite of what I was aiming for. I had to let go of the need to be perfect at it, and instead just simplify my approach to simplifying ;)