Chillin With Deke

47: Jeff Winters- The Importance of Relationship



This episode is long overdue. Jeff has had such a big impact on my life. I apologize to you (Jeff) it took us this long but you know what they say- "longer the wait, the better it is" (or something like that) I met Jeff years ago when I was looking for a new church. I was a sophomore in college at the time. Some good friends of mine recommended a church out in Pleasant Hills called Freedom Life Center. I figured what the heck I'll check it out. The first service I went to was awesome and definitely digged the vibes. Pretty laid back...casual yet thought provoking. I continued to go and then even started attending a Wednesday Night Bible study. That Wednesday Night Bible study turned into Jeff and I coaching middle school basketball together. From there we just kept building a relationship. I also later started drumming for the church and even helped with the youth group. And no joke, that time period- from when I first started at Freedom Life Center and met Jeff (around 2011/12 til now)- I've enjoyed some of