Chillin With Deke

40: Dan Dennehy (My Former Professor)- Insights on Learning/Branding



This episode is one of my favorites because my guest was probably the coolest college professor I had- Dan Dennehy. I took Dan's Brand Management class at Pitt back in 2013 and the curriculum was very unique compared to everything else I had taken before. The grading involved learning journals, discussions, presentations and case studies rather than tests. And it was led in a way where the student had control over what and how they learned.  And I'll never forget when we had to turn in our first journals. There wasn't too much direction on how to write them. So I just kinda wrote it know, a journal. I looked up concepts, asked questions, related things to each other. Crossed stuff out, scribbled, doodled. I mean, it was pretty messy. Here's the thing, I never really turned an assignment in like this before for an actual grade. Usually we had to make sure everything was neat, grammatically correct, and the spacing was right. So I didn't really know what to expect when we received them back. A week