Fdh Tech Talks

How Proactive Infrastructure Testing is Saving Companies and Cities Millions of Dollars, with Rakesh Khan



America is just under 250 years old — relatively young as far as countries go. But the infrastructure and buildings that make up our civic networks are reaching old age. This spells danger and a shrinking lifespan for older structures we still use every day. Luckily, there is a way to test foundations without harming the infrastructure using electromagnetic and dispersive wave propagation (DWP). This form of testing is referred to as nondestructive testing of critical infrastructure (NDT). On today's FDH Tech Talks, we continue our conversation on NDT practices with Rakesh A. Khan, PE, CWI, director of nondestructive testing services for FDH. Rakesh’s experience as a geotechnical engineer shines as he explains the application and value of NDT. Buildings aren’t the only structures in American communities nearing the end of their lifespan. Power grids, dams, and bridges also need to be reinforced and evaluated for aging. This monitoring can all be done with NDT. Catching these instabilities before they become