Ashley Talks Asia Tech Podcast

273: Fransiska Hadiwidjana (Ashley Talks ASH16)



Podcast highlights: 12:50 How does Fransiska motivate herself to always stay curious? How can everyone keep being curious? 22:00 What role does Fransiska want to play in the future of humanity with regards to programming? 32:00 What can people learn from Fransiska being strong and successful even as a "minority"? Fransiska's key lessons - believe in yourself and have the right mentors Podcast notes: 00:05 ASH16 - Ashley Talks with Ashley Galina Dudarenok 00:10 Welcome Fransiska Hadiwidjana to Ashley Talks 01:00 Fransiska tells why she's so interested in STEM and how she went about achieving all these fantastic things 09:50 What does Fransiska have to say to people who say tech, math, physics - stuff she's interested in from early on - is not a "girl thing"? 12:50 How does Fransiska motivate herself to always stay curious? How can everyone keep being curious? 13:50 Who are some of Fransiska's inspirators, mentors, cheerleaders - people who she looks up to and who drive her forward? 14:40 Why programming? Wh