Heed Your Calling With Jim Schubert

How To Live Courageously In Your Calling...With John Kaites



John Kaites – Attorney, Entrepreneur, Author, and Minister has worked in a wide range of roles. John shares wisdom from his business and biblical experiences, ranging from a public policy firm, global security company, water, real estate, construction, leader in high technology, energy, and biotech sectors, to helping to establish the Arizona Commerce Authority and gaining a seminary degree. John Kaites also offers the Heed Your Calling community his insight on the core principles of businesses that succeed and ways to keep God at the center of all that you do. Episode Highlights: How does John define having a calling? John explains how he implements his calling. How did John begin his calling journey? What does Johns’ book “Fear Not” provide readers with? When did John know that he was designed to be an entrepreneur? What are the three types of businesses in the world? What are the four core principles of a successful business? John shares a prayer that guided him towards doing work to benefit others Faith