An Enduring Alliance - Celebrating 70 Years Of Nato

Episode 9: North Macedonia - A Success Story



Episode 9. North Macedonia – A Success Story The lessons NATO learned during their operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo led to an under-appreciated success story, North Macedonia. In this episode we discuss how the Alliance successfully enforced a military ceasefire in North Macedonia and led Operation Essential Harvest, which disarmed rebels and ensured the basis for an effective diplomatic and political dialogue. All this was accomplished without deadly force or destruction. SHAPE Website:  HOST: Dr. Stella Adorf, Master Sergeant Alex Burnett, Dr. Linda Risso GUESTS: Mark Laity, Carmen Romero   Sources: Joint Statement on the ceasefires in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, 5 July 2001 EU and NATO agree concerted approach for the Western Balkans, 29 July 2003 Mark Laity, Preventing war in Macedonia. Pre-emptive D