California Underground

Episode 10 - CA Strapped For Cash When Papa Trump Says "No More", Fatal Blow to Single Payer Healthcare, and a Conservative Ninth Circuit



Mueller drops a big stink bomb before heading off into the sunset and stokes the flames of impeachment. But is it enough to ward off the impending "Spygate" investigation?  Is the Alabama Abortion Bill good or bad for Republicans in 2020? Governor Newsom is starting to find out that it's hard to take on big pet projects when you can't use federal money. Like a child who was spoiled rotten under President Obama, California is having to deal with the repercussions of a stern adult in the White House with President Trump.  Will you believe that the Ninth Circuit is on its way to flipping conservative in the next couple of years? Say hello to expanded Second Amendment rights! (And so much more) Links Trump Administration Takes Back $930 million for Cancelled High Speed Rail Ninth Circuit Heading Towards Flipping Conservative in 2020