Citizen Poet

Citizen Poet Episode 13



This week I talk about my lack of writing productivity and a few new ideas for poems. Hopefully ya'll were more productive than I was. I share my list of writing/poetry podcasts that I listen to on the regular. Books I'm currently reading. Pass along some poetry writing tips I've heard and think will be useful.  Good luck with your writing in the coming week. Poetry 1. The Poetry Foundation (multiple) 2. Commonplace 3. The Poet And The Poem 4. The Poetry Exchange 5. New Books In Poetry Writing 1. Write Now with Sarah Werner 2. Writer 2.0 with A.C. Fuller 3. Writers On Writing 4. The Writing University Podcast Recommended Poetry + Writers On Writing podcast / Patty Seyburn (June 3, 2019) episode Solstice by Tracy K. Smith Melodrama (album) by Lorde