Mitä Pelataan?

Coming to UK Games Expo



The sixth episode of Mitä Pelataan? -podcast. This episode is a preview of the upcoming UK Games Expo (2019). I tell about the games I'm interested in, the seminars I'm planning to attend and tell where I can probably be found during the expo. No Finnished this week, I'm sorry (I bet you're upset!). I had to rush with this a bit as we're leaving for UK at 6am 'tomorrow' of this upload (monday evening at 11pm). Feedback is much appreciated! Too many people, games and companies mentioned in the podcast to link to them. Listen and find out if you're in the episode - if anyone mentioned in the episode listens, please do tell me! See you at UKGE! 50 Tokens of Gratitude are up for grabs! Thanks for the music: @grimwater