Mitä Pelataan?

Episode 4 - UKGE 2018



The fourth episode of Mitä Pelataan? -podcast. The topic of this episode is UK Games Expo 2018. I briefly tell my experiences of the expo and what it is about and what did I do there. I babble and jump from topic to another before getting into interviews that I conducted in the expo. The intro into interviews begins at 11:20 and the actual recordings (unedited) begin at 22:01 lasting until 1:03:11. The people interviewed in this episode are (ordered by time of conducting the interview): Tom Vasel (The Dice Tower), Dave Luza (This Game is Broken, Board Game Breakfast), Zee Garcia (The Dice Tower), Isaac Childres (Cephalofair Games), Dan Hughes & Matthew Jude (both: This Game is Broken, Board Game Breakfast). After the interviews I talk about games I saw in the expo and tell the UKGE Awards. Pictures of the expo that I have uploaded earlier can be seen on my Instagram account (mitapelataan). I will put pictures of the games to the Facebook-page (mitapelata) also, where you can go and look at them. This podc