Technicolor Jesus

#54: Die Hard



On this special Christmas Eve edition of Technicolor Jesus, Adam and Matt talk with Jennifer Howe Peace about masculinity, the baby Jesus and Die Hard. In the first segment, Justification by Faith, Matt, Adam and Jenny discuss what Die Hard has to do with life, ministry, theology and the world. Specifically, is Die Hard a Christmas movie? And what exactly makes a Christmas movie? Is it some semblance of the gospel or a different set of semantic tropes? In the second segment, Preaching to the choir, the crew asks how Die Hard might aid the understanding the lectionary texts for Christmas Eve. Does John McClane and Hans Gruber have anything to offer to our understanding of Christmas? Finally, in the last segment, Postludes, Matt endorses his library and Adam gushes about Roma. Yippee Kay Yay and Hark the Herald Angels Sing! It’s time for Technicolor Jesus!