Technicolor Jesus

#36: The Last Jedi



And… We’re back! After a short holiday break, Matt and Adam are back for the spring season of Technicolor Jesus. On this episode, the two go mano y mano to talk about growth, broken myths, and Rian Johnson’s The Last Jedi. In the first segment, Justification by Faith, Matt and Adam discuss their impressions of The Last Jedi and it's theological themes. In the second segment, Preaching to the Choir, the two turn their attention to the lectionary texts for January 2, the fourth Sunday in Epiphany. Matt thinks about how Paul’s letter to the church in Corinth has to do with the light side and the dark side of the force, while Adam thinks about the role of astonishment in Mark. In the final segment, postludes, Matt discusses preaching, Amy Sherman Pallidino and stand up comedy, while Adam talks about his favorite movies of 2017. So jump in your X-wing, it’s time to blow stuff up, it’s time for another episode of Technicolor Jesus.