Technicolor Jesus

#34: Juno



On this week's episode of Technicolor Jesus, Matt and Adam talk about the 2007 hit movie Juno with writer, speaker and pastor, Carol Howard Merrit. Juno is the story of Juno McGuff, a high school junior who discovers she’s pregnant. Juno eventually decides to carry the baby to term and find adoptive parents.  Directed by Jason Reitman’s and written by Diablo Cody, the movie touches on the typical high school movie themes of maturity, identity, and finding love, but it is something more. Juno is not just a high school romantic comedy, but a bit more hard-nosed, a bit more honest, and a bit more surprising than most of its peers. In the first segment, the group discusses how Juno helps make sense of the advent season and Mary's role as a parent. In the second segment, the group examines the lectionary passages for the fourth Sunday in Advent, Year B, and how a young pregnant woman has a unique vantage to understand the world. Finally, in the last segment, Matt finds hope in a new children's book, and Adam marv