Technicolor Jesus

#31: The Third Man



On this week’s Technicolor Jesus, Adam and Matt welcome Brennan Breed, Assistant Professor of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary to talk about the perils of modernism, post-war Europe, Amos’ Day of the Lord and the 1950’ classic The Third Man. Set in post-war Vienna, The Third Man follows the naive and earnest Holly Martins as he tries to unravel the mysterious death of his friend Harry Lime. Written by Graham Greene, directed by Carol Reed, and scored by Anton Karas and his famous Austrian zither, The Third Man feels as fresh as ever. It’s ideas about diplomacy, international collusion, American exceptionalism, and the curse of the past are still relevant. In our first segment, Brennan leads a discussion about how American tropes and grand narratives fail to make sense of the post-war Vienna and how tempted the church is to impose pre-built narratives onto foreign stories. In the second segment, Adam and Matt talk with Brennan about the week’s lectionary passages. The discussion touches on Amos’