Technicolor Jesus

#29: The Last Supper



On this week’s Technicolor Jesus, Matt and Adam welcome Aisha Brooks-Lytle,  Minister for Mission at Wayne Presbyterian Church and the organizing pastor at the Common Place in Southwest Philadelphia, to talk about the little known but incredibly prescient movie, The Last Supper. The Last Supper, directed by Stacy Title, takes place among a group of liberal Iowa grad students  kill their neo-nazi dinner guest. After the initial shock  of the murder wears off, the group eventually decides that they’ve done the world a favor. So begins a scheme wherein every week they invite some radically conservative activist into their home for dinner and  murder before burying them in the backyard underneath the tomatoes. The Last Supper provides the backdrop for a lively conversation about the failure of political binaries, the dangerous call to follow Christ’s model, and the ways in which the pursuit of redemptive violence harms the perpetrator before it changes the world. In response to this week’s lectionary passages, t