Technicolor Jesus

#27: Field of Dreams



On this week's episode of Technicolor Jesus, Matt and Adam welcome Josh Larsen, cohost of Film Spotting and editor of, to talk about obedience, fathers, and and the 1989 classic, Field of Dreams. Berkeley radical turned Iowan farmer, Ray Kinsella hears a voice in the cornfield instructing him, "If you build it they will come." Josh helps us understand Field of Dreams as a prayer of obedience while Adam and Matt wrestle with how heaven gets commodified. They then turn their attention to this week's lectionary passage (9/17) and discuss the exodus communities struggles to obey, Joseph's vision of providence, and Paul's discussion of what actually counts as the ties that bind. So wade through the corn, find your seat upon the bleachers, it's time for another week of Technicolor Jesus.